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Land division plans

Lanark County Media Release - Land Division Committee: November 29, 2022

Posted on Tuesday, November 29, 2022 02:17 PM

For immediate release Nov. 29, 2022

Long-time land division committee members acknowledged

Lanark County CAO Kurt Greaves, Clerk Jasmin Ralph and County Planner Julie Stewart recognized members of the 2019-2022 land division committee for their years of service and dedication to the county at a recent meeting.

The committee is made up by three non-elected citizens appointed for a four-year term coinciding with the term of council. It is funded entirely by fees collected during the land division...

Municipal words

Lanark County Media Release - November 23, 2022

Posted on Thursday, November 24, 2022 11:52 AM

For immediate release Nov. 23, 2022

Here are the highlights from the Lanark County Council meeting held Nov. 23, 2022.

Council Submits Delegation Requests for ROMA: Council passed a motion approving to submit requests for delegations with various ministries at the Rural Ontario Municipal Association conference taking place in January.

Clerk Jasmin Ralph outlined the requests in a report to council, including:

  • Ministry of Long-Term care: Request relates to a number of challenges for long-term care...

Warden chain of office

Lanark County Media Release - Inaugural Meeting: November 22, 2022

Posted on Wednesday, November 23, 2022 11:39 AM

For immediate release Nov. 22, 2022

Peter McLaren sworn in as 2023 Lanark County Warden

Councillor Peter McLaren (Lanark Highlands Reeve) was sworn in as Lanark County’s 2023 warden at the inaugural meeting on Tuesday afternoon.

McLaren was nominated by Councillors Steve Fournier (Drummond-North Elmsley Reeve) and Bill King (Lanark Highlands Deputy Reeve).

Fournier highlighted McLaren’s two terms with Lanark Highlands and involvement in a wide range of committees. “He is always looking to build...

Hands holding homes

Lanark County Media Release - Yes In My Backyard Awareness Week: November 21, 2022

Posted on Monday, November 21, 2022 12:16 PM

For immediate release November 21, 2022

Lanark County launches Yes In My Back Yard Awareness Week

The week of Nov. 21 to 25 is Yes In My Back Yard (YIMBY) Awareness Week in Lanark County, which ties in with National Housing Day on Nov. 22.

YIMBY is the opposite of NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) and aims to reduce resistance in neighbourhoods to new and varied housing development to encourage a range of choices, have a greater understanding of the social and economic benefits to diversified communities,...

Blakeney Bridge

Lanark County Media Release - Blakeney Bridge reopening early: November 18, 2022

Posted on Friday, November 18, 2022 03:49 PM

For immediate release Nov. 18, 2022

Blakeney Bridge to reopen ahead of schedule

Blakeney Bridge in Mississippi Mills is scheduled to reopen on Nov. 22, several days ahead of schedule.

The bridge closed on Nov. 14 for a two-week period in order to complete repairs required to restore its load capacity. The bridge consists of three structures crossing the Mississippi River between Almonte and Pakenham and is located on Blakeney Road just west of Blakeney.

“All structural steel repairs and concrete...

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